A Green-winged Teal flies over Nine Springs E-Way. Photo by Jeff Galligan
We sure hope you’ll join us on Saturday, May 13 as we go birding twice for a cause! Come to one or both events!
Second event: Lake Park
2975 N Lake Park Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53211
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Lake Park, with its multiple ravines, including one with a waterfall, provides wonderful habitat for migrating songbirds including many warblers, flycatchers, and sparrows. It has hosted rare warblers such as Worm eating, Black-throated Gray, Connecticut, and many others. Like the magic hedge, it often gets birds that seem out of place, like a Least Bittern on the golf course, or a Marsh Wren in a conifer tree. Nesting birds include Red-headed Woodpeckers and Eastern Bluebirds. Walking paths go through the ravines with foot bridges over the running water. Additional paths above the ravines give great views of the tree canopy to see what might be flitting about there.
The Magic Hedge at the Lake Park rugby pitch in Milwaukee lives up to its name. This part of the park jets out into Lake Michigan making it an ideal place for migrating birds to stop. A variety of warblers, sparrows, and other passerines are typically flitting about the hedge, but it also has hosts birds that seem quite out of place including prairie birds such as Bobolinks, Sedge Wrens and Dickcissels; or shorebirds like plovers and sandpipers. One year an Upland Sandpiper stopped for a couple of days.
Don’t miss our earlier events of the day!
First event: Warnimont Park
5400 S Lake Dr., Cudahy, WI 53110 (we will meet at the Warnimont Golf Course Parking lot)
8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Lunch break: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at Lakeside Pub & Grill 3800 E Layton Ave, Cudahy, WI 53110 for those who would like to meet for lunch.
About the Great Wisconsin Birdathon:
The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin is excited to announce that we’ll be joining the Great Wisconsin Birdathon for our second consecutive year! The Birdathon is Wisconsin’s largest fundraiser for bird conservation and happens each spring. Bird-lovers across the state come together to help raise over $100,000 for Wisconsin’s most important bird conservation projects, including the protection of imperiled species like Whooping Cranes, Piping Plovers, and Kirtland’s Warblers.
The Birdathon is like a walk-a-thon, but instead of counting miles walked, teams count bird species that they see! The BIPOC Birding Club is thrilled to be hosting our second annual Birdathon in Milwaukee on Saturday, May 13.
Last year, the BIPOC Flock raised $2,489 and saw 74 Species on April 23.
Please help us raise money to assist the Natural Resource Foundation with bird conservation and to help the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin continue providing birding events and opportunities, see more birds and beat those 2022 Birdathon numbers this year.
Registration opens on March 15, 2023, so more to come in the April Newsletter and on Facebook on how to join our BIPOC Flock and how to donate to the cause. You will be able to join our team if you’d like to help fundraise on our behalf, or you can simply help spread the word and share our team page with your family and friends to encourage small donations in support of the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin. Fifty percent of what we raise goes to the Bird Protection Fund, and the other half comes back to us to support our work building an inclusive birding community.