BIPOC Birding Club in the News


Word is spreading: BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin is here!


On Juneteenth, 2021, the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin was born. Since then, the club, its co-founders, members, and activities have been featured, celebrated, and interviewed numerous times. Want to get in touch? Contact us through our Contact page.

Cover photo by Dexter Patterson

Listed from newest to oldest

03.17.2025 Channel 3000: Witness the woodcock's 'sky dance' this spring - interviewing club co-founder Dexter Patterson.

02.27.2025 WUWM’s Chirp Chat: How to meet other birders in Wisconsin - interviewing Milwaukee-area Coordinator Rita Flores Wiskowski.

02.26.2025 Channel 3000: Stay in tune with nature throughout the colder months - interviewing club co-founder Dexter Patterson.

02.24.2025 Passion Pod: Wiscobirder: The biggest Bird Nerd you'll ever meet - Club co-founder Dexter Patterson was interviewed by This Month in Birding

1.30.2025 This Month in Birding – January 2025 - Club co-founder Dexter Patterson was interviewed by This Month in Birding

1.5.2025 WMTV: Snowy Owl spotted in New Glarus - interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson.

10.18.2024 WMTV: Bird watchers flock to observe fall migration in Wisconsin - interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson.

9.25.2024 Milwaukee Record: Bird City, Milwaukee County: Whitefish Bay and the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin, interviewing Milwaukee-area Coordinators, Rita Flores Wiskowski and Yesenia Villanueva Rodríguez.

08.19.2024 WPR’s Wisconsin Today Fall Migration in Wisconsin - interviewing Milwaukee-area Coordinator Rita Flores Wiskowski.

08.13.2024 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Believe it or not, Milwaukee is a bird haven. Here's how to start your own birding obsession - interviewing Milwaukee-area Coordinator Rita Flores Wiskowski.

08.13.2024 Shepherd Express BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin Creates Inclusive Birding Spaces - interviewing Milwaukee-area Coordinator Rita Flores Wiskowski and co-founder Jeff Galligan.

08.06.2024 Madison 365: Dexter Patterson, Nou Vang-Vue will be featured speakers at 2nd annual Madison Area Green & Healthy Schools Summit Wednesday - highlighting co-founder Dexter Patterson.

08.05.2024 Life List: A Birding Podcast on Decreasing the pressure and increase the joy in birding - interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson.

07.08.2024 Sustain Dane’s Sustainable Breakfast Series: Bird Friendly Future - featured speaker co-founder Jeff Galligan.

06.24.2024 WUWM Lake Effect’s Chirp Chat: Wisconsinites Share the Birds that Sparked Their Interest in Birding - highlighting Milwaukee-area Coordinator Rita Flores Wiskowski.

05.30.2024 This Month in Birding – May 2024 - American Birding Association’s Podcast featuring co-founder Dexter Patterson.

05.21.2024 City Cast Madison Birding Tips for Spring Migration with the WiscoBirder interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson.

05.01.2024 Flight of Resilience by Dexter Patterson. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters.

04.23.2024 WUWM’s Lake Effect The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin donates birding backpacks to community centers across the state interviewing co-founder Jeff Galligan and the NRF’s Donor Relations and Event Coordinator, Soumi Gaddameedi.

04.21.2024 BIPOC Birding Club Creates Safe Spaces for All Bird Enthusiasts of Wisconsin - Carvd N Stone interviewing Milwaukee-area Coordinator Rita Flores Wiskowski.

04.18.2024 Outdoor Sportswire: Nocs Provisions Teams Up With BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin - featuring the Birding Backpack project.

04.16.2024 Birding backpacks donated to neighborhood centers and schools in Madison, Milwaukee - Fox47 featuring the Birding Backpack project.

04.16.2024 Birding backpacks donated to neighborhood centers and schools in Madison, Milwaukee - Channel 3000 featuring the Birding Backpack project.

04.16.2024 Press Release from the Natural Resources Foundation announcing the Birding Backpack Project..

04.01.2024 Black Fatherhood Podcast: Fathers and Feathers, interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson.

03.27.2024 WUWM Lake Effect’s Chirp Chat: Why Some Wisconsin Birds are Getting New Names - interviewing co-founder Jeff Galligan.

12.22.2023 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: BIPOC Bird Club Gathers at Hopkins Hollow in Milwaukee for Christmas Bird Count, highlighting our Milwaukee chapter’s Christmas Bird Count event.

12.20.2023 City Cast: Why Local Birds Need New Names: City Cast Madison interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson.

12.18.2023 WORT: Christmas Bird Count in Madison: Radio interview of co-founder Jeff Galligan and Madison coordinator Sean Radcliffe, joining Brenna Marsicek of Southern Wisconsin (fka Madison Audubon) Bird Alliance.

11.15.2023 The Cripescast Podcast: Episode 178 - Midwest comedian and journalist Charlie Berens interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson on his podcast, Cripescast.

11.11.2023 Birding is for Everyone – A Look Into the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin - The International Crane Foundation invited co-founder Jeff Galligan to present at the Great Midwest Crane Fest.

10.26.2023 This Month in Birding – October 2023 - American Birding Association’s Podcast featuring co-founder Dexter Patterson.

10.06.2023 ‘Bird Nerd’ on a mission to bring People of Color into the outdoors - PBS “Wisconsin Life” segment highlighting co-founder Dexter Patterson.

10.05.2023 Fall Birding Tips from BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin - WPR’s Central Time interviewing co-founder Jeff Galligan.

09.30.2023 A 'pink wave' of flamingos has spread to Wisconsin, Missouri and Kansas. What's going on? - USA Today featuring co-founder Dexter Patterson.

09.29.2023 Flamingos in Wisconsin? Many of the birds picked up by Hurricane Idalia remain in US - USA Today featuring co-founder Dexter Patterson.

09.27.2023 Madison Audubon becomes Badgerland Bird Alliance - Wisconsin Public Radio interviewing co-founder Jeff Galligan.

08.28.2023 Where and How to See Wisconsin's Rare Birds - City Cast Madison interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson.

07.07.2023 Birders of Color in Wisconsin Flock Together and Find Community - NPR’s “Here and Now” program featuring the BIPOC Birding Club

06.01.2023 Wisconsin BIPOC Birding Club Continues to Soar - WUWM, Milwaukee’s NPR, interviewing co founders Dexter Patterson and Jeff Galligan, and Milwaukee Area Coordinator Rita Flores Wiskowski.

05.21.2023 Wisconsin BIPOC Birding seeks to bring more people into the hobby — Channel 3000 News story featuring co-founder Dexter Patterson.

05.15.2023 “Flying towards the future” - Jeff Galligan's essay on changing Madison Audubon’s name, lead article in Madison Audubon's Spring/Summer newsletter.

05.08.2023 “Madison a ‘hub’ for welcoming diverse birders” - featuring co-founder Jeff Galligan, by Gayle Worland.

04.11.2023 Meet Madison’s Biggest Bird Nerd - City Cast Madison interviewing co-founder Dexter Patterson

03.20.2023 “Madison Audubon will find a new name and break with its namesake’s racist legacy” - featuring quotes and perspective from Jeff Galligan, by Holly Marley-Henschen, Tone

03.09.2023 “Finding Bird Joy with the Wisco Birder Dexter Patterson” - Open Air Humans podcast

02.08.2023 “Finding community in ‘The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin’” featuring the club’s creation story, Dexter, and Jeff - article by Lydia Larsen, The Badger Herald

01.26.2023 “This Month in Birding” podcast episode with a panel including Dexter Patterson — The American Birding Podcast

12.19.2022 “Let’s Go Birding with the Wisco Birder” — article by Chandra Thomas Whitfield, Birds & Blooms Magazine

10.24.2022 “Birding is a traditionally white-dominated space. One Wisconsin group is trying to change that.” — article by Gaby Vinick, Wisconsin Public Radio

10.14.2022 “Breaking Records, Saving Birds: Bird Protection Fund Announces 2022 Grants” — Bird Protection Fund recipients, including the BIPOC Birding Club. By Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin

08.30.2022 Birder spots brown booby in La Crosse, the state's first recorded sighting — Thanks to Rita Flores Wiskowski, Dexter Patterson spots a rare bird in La Crosse.

08.24.2022 “Looking Back, Looking Forward” — blog post showcasing Jeff Galligan’s article on History of Blacks and Black Environmentalists in Wisconsin on the Madison Audubon website.

08.22.2022 “Birding is for Everyone” - interview with Jeff Galligan and Rita Flores Wiskowski with WORT FM.

08.22.2022 “BIPOC Birding Club welcomes all to improve birding skills, create community” - interview of co-founder Dexter Patterson on WPR’s Central Time

08.12.2022 “Brown Booby: A historic landing in La Crosse brings birdwatchers together” - News8000 (LaCrosse), featuring BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin co-founder Dexter Patterson

08.03.2022 “BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin Tools for Birding” - segment 1 of 7 in NBC15’s Families Everyday series, featuring BIPOC Birding Club co-founder Jeff Galligan

07.25.2022 “BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin celebrates first anniversary” - article by Isaac Trussoni, Madison365

07.25.2022 “Bird joy is for everone” - Black Oxygen podcast episode featuring Jeff Galligan, Dexter Patterson, and Rita Flores Wiskowski discussing the 1 year anniversary of the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin

07.2022 “BIPOC Birding Club events are building community” - article on page 17 by Rita Flores Wiskowski in the Badger Birder (Wisconsin Society of Ornithology’s quarterly publication).

6.26.2022 “‘A birder looks like you’: Dexter Patterson embraces nature” - article by Angelica Euseary, The Cap Times

6.12.2022 Jeff Galligan and Rita Flores Wiskowski interviewed on the Talkin’ Birds podcast (ep. #887). Feature on BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin starts at 9:40.

6.7.2022 “The Midwest’s Newest Birding Groups are Built with a Bigger Mission in Mind” - article by Cinnamon Janzer, National Audubon Society’s Audubon Magazine

5.31.2022 “Meet Six Black Birders You’ll Want to Follow on Instagram” - article by Maya Richard-Craven, Sierra Club’s Sierra Magazine

5.30.2022 “#InTheNest: Birding Mentors” - panel by Black AF in Stem and Cornell Lab of Ornithology, including BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin’s Dexter Patterson

3.3.2022 “The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin is busting stereotypes about birding” - article by Chelsea Lewis, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

1.17.2022 “Dexter Patterson: Flyest Birder in the Woods” - interview with Dexter Patterson and NOCS Provisions

12.13.2021 “BIPOC Birding Club carves out space for people of color in nature-based activities” - page 8; article by Krystal Hardy, Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine, WDNR

11.15.2021 “A fledgling club for birders of color” - page 5; article by Brenna Marsicek, Madison Audubon newsletter

10.30.2021 “Madison organization hosts ‘Get Kids Outside’ event” - shows BIPOC Birding Club co-founder Jeff Galligan as a special guest to interact with participants, NBC

10.23.2021 “BIPOC BIrding Club ensures birding is for everybody in Wisconsin” - video and article by Savanna Tomei, Spectrum News

10.24.2021 “BIPOC Birding Club offers outings for birdwatching” - news club by Colton Molesky, NBC15 (Madison)

Click the image above to read the full article. Wisconsin State Journal, Sept. 28, 2021.

09.28.2021 “Watch now: New group seeks to bring diversity to birding” — front page of the Wisconsin State Journal, by Molly Devore

09.28.2021 “Giving back to birds: Bird Protection Fund announces 2021 funding projects” — press release by Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, by Caitlyn Schuchhardt

09.09.2021 Jeff Galligan’s Madison 365 Interview - “BIPOC Birding Club aims to connect people of color with the outdoors” by Ayomi Wolff

09.09.2021 It’s Only 10 Minutes, by Madison 365, featuring the BIPOC Birding Club (starts at minute 5:00)

07.19.2021 Dexter Patterson on Black Oxygen Podcast

06.01.2021 Jeff Galligan’s Lifer Story — #BlackBirdersWeek2021, Madison Audubon

06.01.2921 Dexter Patterson’s Lifer Story — #BlackBirdersWeek2021, Madison Audubon

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