Registration required: Please fill out the registration form at Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance’s website! This is a free, hybrid presentation, with in-person and online viewing options.
This presentation and gathering are designed for individuals who lead nature-related field trips and outings, regardless of topic! Jane Whitney, an award-winning Wisconsin Master Naturalist who has led numerous hikes each week for many years in Door County, will give a presentation in Madison to share tips and techniques for leading high-quality, inclusive, and engaging field trips.
After leading more hikes than she can count, Jane has accumulated a few ideas and tips on how to lead a hike and capture your audience. We'll cover what works as well as what might not work, how to start and finish, what to do in the middle, how to manage the group (without their knowing you're managing them), how to handle mixed groups of kids and adults, and how to answer difficult questions.
This is great for beginner, intermediate and very experienced field trip leaders as a way to incorporate fresh ideas and best practices into a field trip.
The presentation will last about 45 minutes, plus time for questions and answers, followed by a social time with snacks and beverages provided.